Casting Advanced Systems Technology - Integration Team
Delivering technical and procurement process tools and metalcasting solutions to the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)

CAST-IT is part of the AMC’s Innovative Casting Technologies (ICT) program, a portfolio of projects addressing DLA’s need for timely and cost-effective cast parts.
- Provides on-site support at DLA major subordinate commands
- Develops procurement processes and tools
- Strengthens and rebuilds supply chains
- Delivers technical and procurement seminars
- Provides Should-Cost and Economic Order Quantity analyses
- Accesses capable, responsive supplier networks
- Improves cast-content procurement
- Reviews technical data and provides engineering support
Over a Century and a Half of Experience
- Experience with steel, titanium, aluminum, magnesium, zinc, and brass
- Has resolved problems with over 3,000 parts
- Casting-related machining, post-processing, rapid prototyping and tooling expertise
- Leverages real world experiences and new technology tools
- Links government and industry to support procurement success